Jul. 22, 2020
HARRISBURG – Rep. Marci Mustello (R-Butler) today urged Gov. Tom Wolf to sign
House Bill 2463, legislation that passed the General Assembly unanimously to require state agencies to respond to Right-to-Know requests during a disaster declaration. Despite the House and Senate passing the bill by a combined total vote of 252-0, the governor has said he will veto the bill.
Mustello made the following statement on House Bill 2463:
“The governor just doesn’t get it. Why he would veto a bill that passed unanimously in both chambers of the General Assembly? It is mindboggling and very disappointing.
“During a press conference in York on Tuesday, the governor said if he were a member of the General Assembly he would have voted in favor of the legislation. However, he claims that he will veto it. Does that make sense to you? It doesn’t make sense to me.
“The governor claims to show transparency in all his decisions but refuses to answer questions about data being used to shut down businesses and the Pennsylvania economy. He has also shut down his agencies’ ability to answer Right-to-Know requests. Throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wolf administration has been opaque and lacked transparency.
“This is outstanding legislation that would open records normally accessible to the public. In addition, the bill would allow the public to request data being used by the administration to make decisions.
“The governor needs to sign House Bill 2463. I have a responsibility to my Butler County constituents and the press. It is essential to provide details on what is happening and why.”
Representative Marci Mustello
11th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Rick Leiner
717.260.6437 (office), 717.497.8478 (cell)
RepMustello.com /