Mar. 26, 2024

HARRISBURG – Citing the need for infrastructure upgrades to improve public safety and commerce in Butler County, Rep. Marci Mustello (R-Butler) today announced that communities in Butler City along with Clearfield and Winfield townships have been awarded a combined $1.3 million in grants through the Multimodal Transportation Fund.

“These funds are aimed directly at improving our local transportation assets, both within Butler City and at rural locations within the 11th District,” said Mustello. “We have bridges that are currently in need of attention, and we have avenues for future economic growth that need assistance in being developed. I’m proud to have helped secure funding for these important projects and to work with our local officials to keep them moving them forward.”

The local grants included:

• Butler County (Community Development Corporation) – $750,000 to reconstruct and extend Bantam Avenue, located in Butler City.
• Clearfield Township - $389,470 for renovations to the McGrady Hollow Bridge.
• Winfield Township - $130,00 to replace two bridges at the intersection of Center and Helmbold avenues.

The grant was made possible by the Commonwealth Financing Authority’s (CFA) Multimodal Transportation Fund Program, which manages the state’s economic stimulus programs. The fund provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure a safe and reliable system of transportation is available in the Commonwealth.

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Representative Marci Mustello
11th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Rick Leiner
717.260.6437 (office), 717.497.8478 (cell) /